At our clinic we follow a strict sterilization protocol to prevent transmission of any infections.
Injections, gloves, masks, cotton rolls etc. are used as disposables for every patient and discarded after use.
We follow the following protocol for Non-disposable instruments:
All used instruments are first hand cleaned and scrubbed thoroughly to remove any attached debris.
All hand cleaned instruments are then cleaned in an ultrasonic cleaner with an enzymatic liquid to get rid of the organic debris, bacteria, viruses and fungi.
All cleaned instruments are then sealed in sterilization pouches and autoclaved in a steam autoclave which is a gold standard for sterilization throughout the world.
The standardized sterilization method used in our dental office is: autoclaving (steam under pressure), these measures are carried out rigorously.
Multiple pouch sets are kept ready and a fresh pouch opened for every patient.
We use one of the world best autoclaves (CLASS B MELAG) to Sterilise the instruments for you.