Patient Instructions after dental procedures


  1. After tooth extraction a cotton pack is kept at the site. Keep the cotton pack for an hour without disturbing it. After one hour throw it and do not keep any other cotton pack.
  2. On the day of extraction take only cold and soft diet (like ice-cream,cold drinks,rice,curds etc.). From the next day you can start your normal diet.
  3. Avoid smoking on the day of extraction.
  4. Do not gargle your mouth with anything on the day of extraction. You can drink anything you like but do not gargle. This is very important.
  5. Do not spit on the day of extraction.
  6. Do not touch the site of extraction with your finger or tongue.
  7. Apply some ice on your face near the site of extraction for 30 minutes immediately after extraction and not later.
  8. There may be occasional blood stains in the saliva for the first few hours. This is not unusual and will correct itself. Take a piece of cotton and apply it over the extraction wound and hold it under pressure for 30 minutes. Do not remove it during this period to examine it. If the bleeding does not stop after 30 minutes contact the clinic.
You and Your Retainer

Retention is the final part of your orthodontic treatment. Your retainer holds the teeth in their final position.
Once your teeth are in place retainers keep them there, otherwise they may slip back towards their old position


  1. For first six months wear your retainers all day and night. We will tell you when you may reduce the wearing time but wear your retainers exactly as instructed. Do not stop wearing the retainers till we instruct you to do so.
  2. Bring it at each appointment
  3. Keep your retainer CLEAN. After each meal take it off and gently rinse or brush your retainer and also brush your teeth. This should be done at least three times a day.
  4. No chewing gum please, it sticks to the plastic.
  5. Never leave your retainer out of your mouth,when you remove it put it in it’s box. Do not leave it lying around or wrapped in a tissue, it could get lost or thrown away. Never leave it in hot water or near a hot surface, it could change it’s shape and then it will not fit.

You may feel awkward for the first few days, especially while speaking, but your tongue will get used to it with time and practice.

Please call the clinic if your retainer hurts or if they are lost or broken. Remember that it is delicate and expensive to repair or replace.

Schedule for wearing retainers (under guidance of doctor). Up to six months after removal of braces – Full Time Wearing

  • 7th Month – 16-18 hours
  • 8th Month – 12 hours (at night)
  • 9th Month – alternate nights
  • 10th Month – after every two days (12 hours)
  • 11th Month – after every three days (12 hours)
  • 12th Month – after every 4 days (12 hours)
  • 13th Month – after every five days
  • 14th Month – after every six days
  • 15th Month – once a week


  1. After Implant Surgery a cotton pack may be kept at the site.Keep the cotton pack for an hour without disturbing it. After one hour throw it and do not keep any other cotton pack.
  2. On the day of Implant Surgery take only cold and soft diet (like ice-cream, cold drinks, rice, curds etc.). From the next day you can start your normal diet.
  3. Avoid smoking on the day of Implant Surgery
  4. Do not gargle your mouth with anything on the day of Implant Surgery. You can drink anything you like but do not gargle. This is very important.
  5. Do not spit, swallow your saliva.
  6. Do not touch the site of Implant with your finger or tongue.
  7. Apply some ice on your face near the site of Implant for a few minutes every 1-2 hrs. on the day of the Implant Surgery. Please do not apply from the next day.
  8. There may be occasional blood stains in the saliva for the first few hours. This is not unusual and will correct itself, if there is considerable bleeding beyond this take a piece of cotton, apply it over the extraction wound and hold it under pressure for 30 minutes. Do not remove it during this period to examine it. If the bleeding does not stop after 30 minutes contact the clinic.
  9. Kindly report to the clinic after one week or 10 days as advised for removal of stitches
  10. A crown will be put on the implant after a few months.
  11. After complete treatment you are advised to come for check up every year